Thursday, April 21, 2011

Grow Up

Does it ever seem that the older you get, the dumber people around you seem? When your little you think that every adult is smart and knows everything. As you start to get older you realize that this mentality changes. You will start to come across some really stupid people and say to yourself "Hmm.. well maybe not EVERY adult is smart." The thing is, people still hold this false frame of thinking. If your "older" then typical society considers you more credible than people younger than you. Simply because of the fact that you have been on this earth for a few more years. Experiences do provide for knowledge, but they are hardly a justifiable cause to go about judging people.

Ive seen many times when a young person will have great ideas and voice them, only to be shut out because someone "older" thinks they are young and stupid. ONLY because of the fact that they are young. Had a 60 year old voiced those same ideas would he have been taken more seriously? Most likely. This also goes the other way, a lot of young people wont listen to older people who have experience in a certain area they are trying to succeed in. Many will just dismiss the elder's information as old-school and assume that their new unproven ideas will be much better. Again, this is an incredibly stupid way of going about things.

The issue of respect also stems from this. The funniest thing to me is the so called "heiarchy" of respect based on age. Personally I dont care if your 16 or 60. If your an idiot that holds true no matter what age you are, and it is damn hard to respect and idiot. Many people go around all day demanding this respect or feeling of entitlement towards it, and some can be really extreme when it comes to it. Realistically when you meet someone there IS a certain level of respect. Its just from that point on the respect level will either go up or down based on actions. And for some reason people have the hardest time with this. A group may obey a dictator but that doesn't mean they will respect him. Think about a boss or supervisor that you may have had that was a total jackass. Did you respect them? Probably not right? but you still listened to them for fear of losing your paycheck. That isn't respect. You cannot demand respect. It is earned. If you do not respect others they will not respect you or take you seriously either. No matter your age or position.

My main point is that you should not place yourself above, or below others based soley on how old they are. Age has nothing to do with a persons credibility, talents, or personality. You'll find that once people put aside all of this egotistical b.s., and look at social interactions logically, a lot more will get across. Take a look at what the person is really saying, not their birthdate. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Beginning... Just do it.

Have you ever thought about doing something but just didn't know how to do it? Or maybe you possess a special kind of knowledge but, for whatever reason, you never get around to practically applying it. Today I met with a friend to assist her in building her social media presence. To help her: I sat down and wrote out everything that I have learned on the subject, drove down to meet her, and provided to her all the tricks and tools I've come across over the past two years. Through the course of our conversation, I realized that I personally was not doing half of the things that I was teaching her. Although I have achieved success in internet marketing, and driving decent amounts of traffic to my youtube videos, I never physically went beyond that. By observing successful marketers, applying my personal experiences, and researching a TON on the subject, I gained quite a bit of specialized knowledge. Now, why am I telling you this? Because after giving advice to a lot of people, I realized that the most crucial thing you have to do, is to actually DO it.

So many people sit there and say "Oh that would be a great idea! We could do this, this, this, and that!" then you know what they do? NOTHING. Its sad, but this small detail is what separates the rich from the poor, the strong from the weak, and the spectators from the superstars. They all have one thing in common, they had the simple ability to act on their ideas. Knowledge is pointless if it isn't put to use. If a man knew everything there is to know about the stock market he could potentially make a lot of money right?  So why, with all of this knowledge, does he just sit there day after day? never investing a penny. Now you might think, surely a man with that kind of power available to him would never just sit there. In reality its what 99.9% of us do. We all have skills and knowledge that, if put into ACTION, can bring us a lot of success. Once you have inspired thought, the only thing left to do is act on it. If you dont, how will you ever know what could have came about? You wont. It's better to fail at something and learn from the mistake than to never do anything at all.

People who constantly talk about doing things but never take any steps to achieve those things are just that: talkers. Talkers are spectators in life. They want and wish and hope, but never take any action to achieve. Walt Disney said it best: "The besy way to get started is to quit talking." If your really going to make it happen, then you would already be doing something concerning it as opposed to still talking about it. I have a friend that wants to get into investing. He always tells me how much he wants to get into it, and if he only had just a little bit more money... Well recently he came into "more money". He really wanted to spend it on a cool new something, he just couldnt find anything worth spending his money on. I suggested that he try investing, now that he has money to do so. His response was: "If I had more money, itd suck to lose this $500". Pause. Does he really think that when he gets even "more" money, the potential of losing $5,000 will be an easier proposition? You see "more money" is just an excuse. It gives you another reason to talk about doing something without actually doing it. If my friend had just committed to what he set out to do, he would have over 3 months of experience in the stock market right now. Dont be a talker, be a doer.

This all brings me back to my first point. When I met with my friend today, she helped me realize that I needed to take action on certain things in my life. As I was giving her all kinds of ideas about her blog, she asked if I had a blog. I said no, which was surprising and even a little embarrassing. Here I am teaching her all of these things, why arent I doing it myself? She showed me everything that she does and challenged me to take action by starting a blog and giving value. So here I am and im taking action. I encourage you to do the same with something in your life. Wether the effort is big or small, the first step is always the most important. Without it there would be nothing. So, what are you going to do?